КАЛЕНДАР НА НАСТАНИ ОПШТИНА НЕГОТИНО 2022Кодекс за административни службеници
Кодекс за административни службенициПрограма за ЕЕ
Програма за енергетска ефикасностБарање за надоместок за новородено дете
Барање за надоместок за новородено детеProject,,Support and development of the Bee-Products' Economy in the cross-border area,, |
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![]() in the cross-border area,,
2nd (SECOND) PROJECT MEETING Place: Negotino, Premises of the Municipality of Negotino Date:02.02.2016 ,Tuesday (16:45-19:30) Date:03.02.2016 ,Wednesday (09:45-14:00), Within the framework of the “Greece - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA Cross-Border Programme 2007-2013” and the project entitled “Support and development of the Bee-Products' Economy in the cross border area” with the acronym “BEE-CONOMY”, the second project coordination meeting between the two project partners (Municipality of Negotino and Municipality of Almopia) will be held on 02.02.2016 and 03.02.2016, at the premises of the Municipality of Negotino .
The OLP/FLP1, Municipality of Negotino, is inviting you to participate in the meeting. The working language will be English. Need working materials will be on English and will be provided translation on the language of the Project partner ( Municipality of Negotino) and English. Contact person for the second project meeting in Negotino: Mrs. Lolita Ristova-MA Project manager for ,,BEE CONOMY,, tel: 003897037055 e-mail: loli_ Оваа е-пошта е заштитена од spambots, треба да вклучите JavaScript за да ја видите или Оваа е-пошта е заштитена од spambots, треба да вклучите JavaScript за да ја видите